Fancy Headings

How to make content around the site fancy - Listing it all here so we can pick as we go what we like :)

[block_title]Fancy Header 1[/block_title] [fancy_header color="steelblue"]fancy header 1[/fancy_header] [teaser]It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English.[/teaser] [block_title]Fancy Header 1: Variation presets[/block_title] [teaser]The fancy header shortcode picks up the color of your color scheme by default, but it also comes with 20 preset color variations, and you can create unlimited variations easily with the built-in mysitemyway shortcode generator.[/teaser] [fancy_header color="red"]red fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="orange"]orange fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="yellow"]yellow fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="green"]green fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="olive"]olive fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="teal"]teal fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="blue"]blue fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="deepblue"]deepblue fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="purple"]purple fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="hotpink"]hotpink fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="slategrey"]slategrey fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="mauve"]mauve fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="pearl"]pearl fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="steelblue"]steelblue fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="mossgreen"]mossgreen fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="wheat"]wheat fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="coffee"]coffee fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="copper"]copper fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="silver"]silver fancy header[/fancy_header] [fancy_header color="black"]black fancy header[/fancy_header] [divider][/divider] [block_title]Fancy Header 2[/block_title] [fancy_header type="2"]fancy header 2[/fancy_header] [teaser]Fancy Header 2 can be used to quickly create stylish SEO friendly “text graphics”[/teaser] [block_title]Fancy Header 3[/block_title] [teaser]Fancy Header 3 with it’s striped background adds a nice structure and strong division between content sections.[/teaser] [divider type="pad"][/divider] [fancy_header type="3"]Section One[/fancy_header] [dropcap]1[/dropcap]Maecenas vel elementum lacus. Maecenas semper, eros quis pellentesque consectetur, urna lacus imperdiet lectus, at faucibus leo sem eget risus. Nullam auctor molestie tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin a odio quis turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Pellentesque dui dolor, egestas ut tristique in, aliquam nec sapien. Fusce eget nunc elit. Cras suscipit vehicula ipsum non ultricies. [divider type="pad"][/divider] [fancy_header type="3"]Section two[/fancy_header] [dropcap]2[/dropcap]Maecenas vel elementum lacus. Maecenas semper, eros quis pellentesque consectetur, urna lacus imperdiet lectus, at faucibus leo sem eget risus. Nullam auctor molestie tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin a odio quis turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Pellentesque dui dolor, egestas ut tristique in, aliquam nec sapien. Fusce eget nunc elit. Cras suscipit vehicula ipsum non ultricies. [divider type="pad"][/divider] [col type="one_half"] [fancy_header type="3"]Section three[/fancy_header] [dropcap]3[/dropcap]Maecenas vel elementum lacus. Maecenas semper, eros quis pellentesque consectetur, urna lacus imperdiet lectus, at faucibus leo sem eget risus. Nullam auctor molestie tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin a odio quis turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Pellentesque dui dolor, egestas ut tristique in, aliquam nec sapien. Fusce eget nunc elit. Cras suscipit vehicula ipsum non ultricies. [/col][col type="one_half" order="last"] [fancy_header type="3"]Section four[/fancy_header] [dropcap]4[/dropcap]Maecenas vel elementum lacus. Maecenas semper, eros quis pellentesque consectetur, urna lacus imperdiet lectus, at faucibus leo sem eget risus. Nullam auctor molestie tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin a odio quis turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Pellentesque dui dolor, egestas ut tristique in, aliquam nec sapien. Fusce eget nunc elit. Cras suscipit vehicula ipsum non ultricies. [/col] [divider][/divider] [block_title]Fancy Header 4[/block_title] [fancy_header type="4"]fancy header 4[/fancy_header]

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