Teams, TeamSTEPPS, and Team Structures

Models for Functional Collaboration

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Mercredi fév 8, 2017 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm EST

AHRQ is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, February 8, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET on various team models and how they can be enhanced to perform at the highest level. The webinar, "Teams, TeamSTEPPS, and Team Structures: Models for Functional Collaboration," will feature William Gordon, D.Min., M.Div., instructor at Rosalind Franklin University in North Chicago. The TeamSTEPPS framework focuses on the optimization of teams. Knowing how teams are organized and the consequences of those structures enables us to more deeply direct likely outcomes to communication, relationships among members, and personal and professional accountability. Equipped with this information, teams and leaders can make conscious choices to intentionally select or potentially hybridize team structures that are best suited to their purpose and desired outcomes.

At the end of this webinar, participants will:

Analyze a team structure by reviewing an organizational chart and hypothesize assets and challenges to relationships, communication, and accountability.
Differentiate between hierarchy, heterarchy, and holacracy as models of team organizational strategies.
Consider possibilities of hybridized organizational models for task- or time-specific teams.

There is no cost to participate. 

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