How to conduct a walk-about for self-management support in ambulatory settings from the patient and family perspective

One way to begin working with patients and families in planning for improving self- management support is to explore the ambulatory care experience through the eyes of individuals with chronic conditions and their families. A “walk-about” is an activity that can be used to obtain patient and family perspectives. It is helpful to have more than one patient and family perspective. If you have patients and families who are advisors within your program, ask them to participate in the activity. If you don’t currently have any patients or families identified as advisors, invite several patients with chronic conditions and their families who receive care in your facility and are experienced in self-managing their condition. Select patients and families who are willing to share their opinions (refer to the resource titled, Selecting, Preparing, and Advancing the Practice of Patient- and Family-Centered Care in Primary Care and Other Ambulatory Settings — How to Get Started, Part V: Selecting, Preparing and Supporting Patient and Family Advisors in Primary Care and Other Ambulatory Settings for detailed guidance).

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